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350 Wisconsin Action Celebrates President Biden, Calls for More Climate Leadership


Contact: Emily Park, 350 Wisconsin Action

Phone: 208-841-2758


350 Wisconsin Action Celebrates President Biden, Calls for More Climate Leadership

Madison, Wisconsin – 350 Wisconsin Action applauds President Biden’s brave decision to step down from the 2024 US Presidential race, and looks forward to seeing future candidates and elected officials following his bold climate leadership.  

Under President Joe Biden, the United States has made major progress toward achieving the sustainable and just future that we all need and deserve. During his presidency, his administration has set a target of reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2030; implemented new standards for pollution and emissions limits from cars, power plants, and industrial facilities; and officially brought the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement. Even more critically, President Biden championed the ground-breaking Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), creating unprecedented funding opportunities for climate resilience, clean energy infrastructure, and investment in communities. Both pieces of legislation represent President Biden’s commitment to justice and historically-marginalized communities.

However, despite the progress made under President Biden’s leadership, the US still has a lot of ground to make up in the fight for climate justice. 350 Wisconsin Action calls for the Democratic Party’s next Presidential nominee to be a firm champion for critical climate actions that support every person in the US. 

350 Wisconsin Action is committed to electing climate champions at every level of government and defending the IRA, BIL, and other critical laws and regulations from attacks. 

350 Wisconsin Action mobilizes grassroots power to change hearts and minds, laws and policies, and humanity’s massive systems to make transformational progress toward environmental justice and solving the climate crisis by 2030. For more information, visit


For more information, please contact Emily Park at (208)841-2758 or

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