About 350 Wisconsin Action
350 Wisconsin Action mobilizes concerned climate voters to push for bold climate action from government and elected officials. We keep the climate crisis at the center of the political conversation, and push for progressive policies that address the climate crisis in ways that center racial, social, and economic justice. We hold those in power accountable, and uplift true climate champions who support the rapid change we all need. Our extensive base of passionate, informed volunteers actively organize around climate justice year-round, ensuring the issue remains central to voters.
We Need Urgent Action
With the limited amount of time in which to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis, activists must engage with elected officials and the political process. We need dramatic changes by 2030, which will only be possible with action at every level of government. Research shows that a growing percentage of the population supports bold climate action.
Why Wisconsin?
Wisconsin is one of the most heavily contested swing states in the US. Our closely-watched 2022 U.S. Senate race has the potential to significantly impact the balance of power in Washington, DC. We also have one of the most competitive gubernatorial elections in the country, with the current Democratic incumbent acting as one of the last lines of defense for climate action against a Republican-dominated legislature.