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Our Plan to Win

Our Work

350 Wisconsin Action is involved at every stage of the political process. During election cycles, we engage with candidates and the public to promote and support climate action and to get climate champions elected. Beyond electoral politics, we work with individuals and communities to pressure elected officials and government agencies to enact climate-forward policies and practices. 

Electoral Organizing

Areas of Focus:

  • Centering climate and climate justice in the political discourse
  • Endorsing and uplifting climate champions 
  • Educating the public on climate and justice-related ballot measures
  • Voter rights and fair elections


  • Organizing & Public Education
    • Relational organizing
    • Canvassing, phone-banking, and text-banking
    • Social media and digital ad campaigns
    • Petitions, postcard-writing, and other actions to engage the public
    • Voter guides to candidates and ballot measures
  • Candidate Engagement
    • Endorsements
    • Candidate interviews
    • Bird-dogging to get candidates on the record about climate change
  • Voter Registration & Education
  • Alliances & Partnerships – UW student-led groups, environmental organizations, racial and social justice organizations

Policy Work & Lobbying

Areas of Focus:

  • Stopping expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure in Wisconsin
  • Uplifting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and electrification initiatives
  • Promoting sustainable policies,practices and requirements in agriculture, land use, construction, manufacturing, transportation, and other key sectors
  • Holding electric utilities accountable


  • Establish and maintain relationships with elected officials and key staff
  • Educate the general public on key issues and provide in-depth policy analyses 
  • Provide opportunities for public engagement via petitions, public comments, etc. 

Work with allies and partners to actively promote and uplift priorities and demands of racial, social, and economic justice organizations